Saturday, May 29, 2010


hello, internet. i've decided to make a blog. i don't know why. i just know that i decided to make a blog. now, to be fair, internet, i've known you for awhile and it's only fair if i let you know a little bit about me. i am a human male. 16 years old. i think that's all i'm going to let you know about me. for now.

times have changed. before someone like me would write in a diary. i thought of making a diary because i like the general idea of one. a diary, according to google, is a "daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations." since i can, and will, remain anonymous here, there's no reason why i can't write whatever i think. without consequence. internet, you're going to be my diary. in the rare occasion that someone (generally, another human being) reads this. hi. you're welcome to read, share, or whatever, my diary. anonymity is awesome.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for 'following'. It's great to be in on the birth of a blog and from such an interesting person too. I'm an old lady but you'll find as you grow older that you'll always be sixteen! I know I am though you woudn't guess it to look at me!I kept a diary when I was your age and I bared my soul in it. When the time came for me to prune it as I approached old age and a time when other people might read it I had to tear out some of the purple prose!!!! You're luckier. You can be anonymous and you can also erase with a click!
    I'm going to 'follow' you too so that I can watch your progress!

    My present-day Diary Blog is at
