Monday, May 31, 2010

memorial day.

hello internet. i live in america, the land of the free and the home of the selfish. today is memorial day. memorial day is the day when we remember the soldiers who died while in military service. those who died in the countless of wars the united states took part of. now, in the last 50 years, america has taken part of some of the worst wars, including the one we're in, "the war on terror" now, i don't like war. i don't like two governments fighting one another (for selfish reasons) and the ones paying for it are the innocent civilians of a country (vietnam, iraq, korea, afghanistan, even japan in ww2) now, today we are supposed to remember those who died, those who gave their lives to a government that could make them do whatever that government sees fit, even though those reasons might be... selfish. henry david thoreau compared soldiers to horses and dogs, who follow instruction blindly. these soldiers followed instructions blindly, they gave their bodies to a government, and they killed innocent civilians who had no fault for what their government did. i would even go as far to say that all these wars american took part of have been in the interest of the wealthy, not in the interest of the people. this is a day to remember those "brave" men and women. am i being unpatriotic? i guess i am.

i never really liked being patriotic.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


hello, internet. today is sunday. for many religionist it is the day set apart for the worship of god. i went to church today. i live with a rather religious family. i myself, am not religious. i am logical, reasonable, and do something that is very stupid; think. i like to form my own opinions. i like to base those opinions on reality. and reality has not shown me evidence to support the idea of god, let alone the whole bible. today, i observed dozens of people praying. i observed how the pastor can just say something and everyone would believe it. believing something that has absolutely no evidence. wow. god really is a strong idea. especially, when it's an unquestionable idea. dangerous idea.

i don't like church. i don't like religion. i don't like god.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


hello, internet. i've decided to make a blog. i don't know why. i just know that i decided to make a blog. now, to be fair, internet, i've known you for awhile and it's only fair if i let you know a little bit about me. i am a human male. 16 years old. i think that's all i'm going to let you know about me. for now.

times have changed. before someone like me would write in a diary. i thought of making a diary because i like the general idea of one. a diary, according to google, is a "daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations." since i can, and will, remain anonymous here, there's no reason why i can't write whatever i think. without consequence. internet, you're going to be my diary. in the rare occasion that someone (generally, another human being) reads this. hi. you're welcome to read, share, or whatever, my diary. anonymity is awesome.
